NW Education Transformation

HEE NW Education Transformation Conference - Nursing Associate Feasibility Toolkit - Recording

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As part of the HEE NW summer 2022 Education Transformation Conference, colleagues from Manchester University NHS Foundation Trustran a session focusing on the AP/NA to RN Feasibility Toolkit and Budget Calculation tool, which was aimed at supporting Assistant Practitioners and Nursing Associates to make a more informed decision as to whether, based on their personal circumstances, it would be feasible for them to consider progression to a Registered Nurse via a self-funded university programme route. The GM PMO developed a Feasibility Toolkit and Budget Calculation Tool prompts APs / NAs to consider their current circumstances (lifestyle / family commitments/ finances etc) in comparison to future opportunities available (potential changes to lifestyle / family commitments/ finances if required) if they were to self-fund a top upprogramme. The tool has been piloted across GM organisations and has been evaluated. Thispresentation discussed the data received, results and its analysis.

Resource details

Contributed by: NW Education Transformation
Authored by: Education Transformation Team, HEE NW
Caroline Williams, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
Licence: Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International More information on licences
First contributed: 09 August 2022
Audience access level: Full user


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