NW Education Transformation

Morning Two - PowerPoint presentation

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This is the PowerPoint presentation used on Morning Two of the Regional Enhancing Practice Learning Symposium (Thursday 19th October)

Contributors include:

  • Education Transformation Team, NHS England - North West (slides 1-4; 127-133)
  • Alex Reppold, Director of Performance and Delivery (WT&E), NHS England - North West (slides 5-9)
  • Liverpool John Moores University - Tash Culshaw (slides 10-18)
  • University of Central Lancashire - Claire Bewsher and Gemma Spencer (slides 19-31)
  • University of Cumbria - Anne Oakey, Sarah Smith, Charles Sloane, Ant Freeman, Richard Ward, Julie Foster (slides 32-58)
  • Manchester Metropolitan University - Deb O'Connor, Anne-Marie Borneuf (slides 60-68)
  • University of Chester - Julie Dulson (slides 69-75)
  • University of Salford - Leah Greene (slides 76-87)
  • University of Manchester - Emma Ormerod (slides 88-89)
  • University of Bolton - Michelle Powell, Rameez Tariq (slides 91-105)
  • University of Liverpool - Jackie Yip (slides 106-115)
  • Lancaster University - Cliff Shelton (live stream update only)
  • Edge Hill University - Amanda Miller, Scott Mosher (slides 117-126)

Resource details

Contributed by: NW Education Transformation
Authored by: Education Transformation Team, NHS England - North West
Licence: © All rights reserved More information on licences
Last updated: 30 November 2023
First contributed: 24 October 2023
Audience access level: Full user


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