Optimising the Expression of Breastmilk and the Importance of Flange Sizing

Optimising the Expression of Breastmilk and the Importance of Flange Sizing

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Funded by NHSE SW, Health Innovation Wessex is supporting the spread of a quality improvement project initiated in Southampton. The project focuses on equity of access to appropriate equipment for expressing maternal breastmilk.

There published research to support correctly measured and fitted flanges on breast pumps increase yield of breastmilk, reduce mother’s discomfort and can reduce the incidence of developing mastitis. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/08903344241296036

Currently there is low level of knowledge and nipple measurement is not standard practice. Trusts usually only stock a standard size which is far too large for the majority. Mothers are required to buy the correct fitting flange, which disadvantages those from low income families.

This webinar supports clinicians implement the best practice of nipple measurement and correct flange fitting for mother expressing breastmilk.

As part of a regional quality improvement projectHealth Innovation Wessex has supported University Hospitals Southampton inthe development of a patient information video on the topic. Additional resources to support thespread of this practice are availble for other regions to utilise. Please contact holly.green@hiwessex.net

Resource details

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Contributed by: Optimising the Expression of Breastmilk and the Importance of Flange Sizing
Authored by: Amber Clark, University Hospitals Southampton, Lactation consultant and registered nurse
Holly Green, Health Innovation Wessex, Mat Neo SiP Programme Manager
Licence: Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International More information on licences
Last updated: 27 December 2024
First contributed: 20 December 2024
Audience access level: General user


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