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Aspire SCI charity accessible housing information web link
Most people’s homes simply aren’t suitable for a wheelchair user.
It’s no surprise that for those who are newly injured, where they are going to live when they get out of hospital is a major worry, in addition to adjusting to many other changes in their lives. All too often, they’ll find themselves discharged to somewhere totally unsuitable, rather than into accessible housing, such as an unadapted house or a care home. Such situations rob people of their independence at a time when they should be supported to rebuild their lives.
The Aspire Accessible Supported Housing Programme offers an alternative for people with Spinal Cord Injury. We provide homes located around the UK for use on a short-term basis whilst a permanent housing solution is found. It might be that someone’s own property is being adapted, or that they are waiting for their local authority to find them something suitable. Meanwhile, by staying in an Aspire House they can be back amongst their community whilst being supported to regain their independence and to get on with their lives.
Resource details
Contributed by: | SCI Education Programme |
Authored by: |
Licence: | More information on licences |
First contributed: | 12 February 2025 |
Audience access level: | Full user |
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