Physical health checks for severe mental illness

How to improve the physical health of people with severe mental illness

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Free online training for primary care professionals

People with severe mental illness are likely to die up to 25 years earlier than the general population. Research shows that 75% of these cases are caused from preventable physical illnesses. As a primary care professional, you can help reduce these unnecessary deaths.

The purpose of the health check is to improve health and reduce mortality. For this to be achieved, most people will need follow up support to change unhealthy behaviour. Practical modifications to the way appointments are organised may also need to be made to ensure they are not disadvantaged compared with the general population in accessing healthcare.

This film has been adapted from training that is endorsed by the Royal College of Nursing. You can download an accompanying handout which has some reflective questions – these are useful for revalidation.

This project has been developed by NHS England and NHS Improvement – South East and
Health Education England, in partnership with the Charlie Waller Trust.

Resource details

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Contributed by: Physical health checks for severe mental illness
Authored by: NHS England and NHS Improvement
Health Education England
Charlie Waller Trust
Licence: More information on licences
First contributed: 09 November 2021
Audience access level: Full user


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