Good practice in new workforce roles

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Good Practice in Developing New Workforce Roles is a suite of resources that have been built on good working practice, to advise workforce designers when modelling supply and demand, whilst supporting NHS & Social Care employers to create sustainable new roles that are both worthwhile and offer good career opportunities for the staff filling them.

Why do it?
In the current financial and political environment, it is important that sustainable new roles meet expectations quickly. This guide brings together good practice in new role implementation in health and social care, aiming to improve the way we plan for and implement new roles.

Additional information

This is designed to be used by anyone who may play a part in implementing a new role in the workforce.

Resource details

Provider's catalogue badge
Contributed to: Community contributions
Community resources are online learning and digital materials provided by the wider Learning Hub community that anyone can contribute to.
Contributed by: Zena Wynn-Jones
Authored by: National Mental Health Programme, Health Education England
Authored on: 3 September 2019
Licence: © All rights reserved More information on licences
First contributed: 03 August 2020
Audience access level: Full user


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