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389 Theory Component - Basic Life Support eLearning

389 SPaRC WebApp Training eLearning

389 Food Hypersensitivity eLearning

389 Blood Cultures Theory eLearning

389 MECC eLearning

389 ReSPECT Level 1 Basic Awareness eLearning

389 Deconditioning Training eLearning

389 Lying and Standing Blood Pressure eLearning

389 Lying and Standing Blood Pressure VIDEO

389 PEAP eLearning All in one

TEST 2 Purpose T V2 11.07.23

TEST Purpose T v.01

389 Purpose T eLearning

389 Capacity Management 2023 eLearning

389 Blood Glucose Meter Operator Training

389 SAMs eLearning

Mid Yorkshire - Embedding Kindness eLearning

389 Renal Ward Dietetic Education

389 Waste Awareness Training

389 HD Nursing Staff Dietetic Education

389 Blood Gas Analyser Operator Training

389 Local Advanced DeFib Training eLearning

389 Local DeFib Training eLearning

389 MAND Diabetes Care and Safe Use of Insulin eLearning

389 MAND Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) eLearning

389 Introduction And Understanding Of ReSPECT Webinar 2021

389 Safeguarding Children Remote Teaching Session For Foundation Doctors Dec 2020

389 MAND Collecting Blood and Blood Components for Transfusion Theory eLearning

389 Care of Nasogastric Feeding Tubes eLearning

389 MAND Safeguarding Children and Young People Level 2 eLearning

389 MAND Information Governance eLearning

389 MAND Organising Receipt of Blood

389 MAND Communication Improvement using the SBAR Technique eLearning

389 HD Nursing Staff Dietetic Education eLearning

389 AWOC eLearning

389 Learning Disability Awareness eLearning

389 Blood Glucose Meter Operator Training

389 Blood Gas Analyser Training eLearning

389 Flu Peer Vaccinator Training

389 Local Training for BTHFT Imaging Non Medical Referrers (NMR)

389 Command Centre Tile Training eLearning

389 Intravenous Fluid Management in Adults eLearning

389 Oral Health Update for Midwifery Teams eLearning

389 Medication Safety Incidents – Learning Lessons and Supporting Teams

389 DNACPR eLearning

389 GEN Initial Operational Response to CBRN Incidents eLearning

389 Chest Drain Management e-learning

389 McKinley T34 Syringe Driver e-learning


389 BTHFT X-Ray Training eLearning

389 COSHH Training 2022 eLearning

389 Embedding Kindness eLearning

389 Human Factors Level 1 Non Clinical Staff

389 Human Factors Level 2 Clinical Staff

389 IRMER Update for X-ray Operators and Practitioners eLearning