Humber Teaching NHS FT Digital Learning

338 Assessment: Information Asset Owner (IAO)

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Welcome to the Information Asset Owner (IAO) assessment.

Before completing the assessment, you should have read the Introduction to Risk Management for SIROs and IAOs workbook. The workbook is aimed at all staff involved in the management of information assets, but particularly SIRO’s ad IAO’s.

Hopefully the workbook helped you understand:

  • The need for information risk management within health and care?
  • The recommended approach to information risk management.
  • The role and responsibilities of the Senior Information Risk Owner (SIRO) and Information Asset Owners (IAOs) in providing assurance that information risk is being managed effectively.
  • What is meant by an organisation’s information assets and how risks to them should be identified and managed.

Remember - ‘The aim of information risk management is not to eliminate risk, but to provide the means to reliably identify, prioritise and manage risks involved in the business activity.

You need 80% to pass the assessment

Resource details

Contributed by: Humber Teaching NHS FT Digital Learning
Authored by: Stephen Carris, Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust, Instructional Designer
Licence: © All rights reserved More information on licences
Last updated: 08 July 2024
First contributed: 06 January 2023
Audience access level: Full user


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