NEY Learning Environments

Link: Enabling Effective Learning Environments - NENC

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This catalogue provides a community of practice for learning environment and placement related activity within the North East and North Cumbria (NENC) ICS. Activity ranges from capacity expansion, innovation in practice supervision, simulation and enhancing the quality of the learner experience accross each of the four ICP's within the NENC ICS. The Enabling Effective Learning Environments team collaborate with primary care, secondary care, PIVO placement providers and Higher Educations Institutions (HEI's) from accross the ICS, we aim to use the catalogue space to share case studies, examples of innovation and good practice from a wide range of organisations within our ICS.

Additional information

This catalogue provides a community of practice for learning environment and placement related activity within the North East and North Cumbria (NENC) ICS.

Resource details

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Contributed by: NEY Learning Environments
Authored by: Enabling Effective Learning Environments team - NENC, North East & North Cumbria ICS
Licence: More information on licences
Last updated: 05 October 2022
First contributed: 19 May 2022
Audience access level: Full user


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