NW Education Transformation

HEE NW Education Transformation Conference Summer 2022 - Digital Clinical Placements - Presentation

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As part of the HEE NW summer 2022 Education Transformation Conference, colleagues from The Christie NHS Foundation Trust presented 3 projects that have been designed and implementedto widen access to clinical placements in Oncologythrough accessing clinical practise placements through a digital learning platform. This has resulted in over 100 oncology subject matter experts holding clinical conversations in the digital space. This model delivers on transformational leadership and brings future health professionals on in a range of professional capabilities.

The programs are evaluated against HEE's 6 quality indicators. A coaching model supports both speakers, learners and educators in maximising performance.

Resource details

Contributed by: NW Education Transformation
Authored by: Alison Sannah, The Christie
Sheena Chauhan, The Christie
Licence: Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International More information on licences
First contributed: 09 August 2022
Audience access level: Full user


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