NW Education Transformation

HEE NW Education Transformation Conference Summer 2022 - Managing Practice Learning Capacity - Recording

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As part of the HEE NW summer 2022 Education Transformation Conference, HEE colleague, Juliet Borwell ran a session highlighting how work completed in the Health Education England (HEE) South East Region has demonstrated that averaging demand for placements across the calendar year could mean that there is better utilisation of existing capacity for pre-registration students. However, as capacity is often determined subjectively, based on historical trends, established ways of working and leadership preference there is a lack of confidence in the system.

To address this an objective approach to assessing capacity a modelling tool is being offered for piloting by NHS organisations in the SE to explore the principle that potential capacity exists wherever and whenever health and care services are being delivered and to model what capacity may look like if at least one learner is supported across the duration of opening hours.

Resource details

Contributed by: NW Education Transformation
Authored by: Education Transformation Team, HEE NW
Juliet Borwell, HEE SE
Licence: Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International More information on licences
First contributed: 09 August 2022
Audience access level: Full user


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