Radiography Learner Capacity Model

Radiography Learner Placement Capacity Tool

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The Radiography Learner Capacity Tool is designed to enable Radiology departments and Universities to plan their capacity for learners within Radiology departments. Health Education England South East region has enabled stakeholder engagement across the region to achieve a more comprehensive understanding of the current and projected work force challenges across the Radiography professions. They have commissioned this piece of work to support the providers and Universities to be able to map out the capacity they have for learner placements. The Medical Imaging team at specialist health sciences higher education (HE) provider, AECC University College, and Health Education England have collaborated to develop this software tool that aims to identify additional placement capacity for student Radiographers in medical imaging departments across the South East region. Developed in-house at AECC University College, the software allows medical imaging departments across the South East to input the equipment they have on-site, log when it is currently being utilised, and confirm whether there is spare capacity for machines to be used for training. The software aims to identify where and when placement opportunities might be possible for students. This information can then be matched against university requirements for placements in departments that might not have been considered previously. It will allow departments to be able to compare their capacity and report it consistently for healthcare systems. Allowing a system wide approach for recording, monitoring and addressing capacity to be taken. Please see user guides and case studies. Please see the link for the software.

Resource details

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Contributed by: Radiography Learner Capacity Model
Authored by: Matthew Southam, AECC University College
Martin Hawley, AECC University College
Health Education England, Health Education England
Licence: More information on licences
First contributed: 28 February 2023
Audience access level: Full user


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