NHS Scotland Academy

High-Volume Cataract Surgery resources

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Cataract surgery is one of the most successful surgical procedures delivered across NHS Scotland, with a high safety profile and positive outcomes for patients.

Demand for cataract surgery has increased due to changing demographics. In response, it has been recommended that High Volume Cataract Surgery (HVCS) be adopted as a delivery model. In HVCS, a minimum of 8 procedures are performed per core 4-hour session (NHS Executive 2000).

Improving the delivery of cataract surgery in Scotland: A blueprint for success

The blueprint recognises that the development of specific career pathways, training, education and upskilling team members maximises overall productivity. It also supports the growth of specialised, well-coordinated, teams and outlines the clear roles, responsibilities and goals that are needed in fast paced, high-volume lists. Workforce development through education and training, has therefore been identified as one of the key enablers of the HVCS model.

The CfSD blueprint recommends 10 steps to success, step 7 of this process is toCreate a High Performing Team. Each of the steps share equally important overlapping principles which should be included when implementing the model at service level.

NHS Scotland Academy has produced High Volume Cataract Surgery learning resources to support the operationalisation of ‘Step 7 Create a High Performing Team’by providingclinical team members with resources to enable educational skill development in specific areas.

Additional information

This resource is located on NHS Scotland's learning platform Turas Learn.

Resource details

Contributed by: NHS Scotland Academy
Authored by: NHS Scotland Academy
Licence: More information on licences
Last updated: 22 October 2024
First contributed: 03 October 2024
Audience access level: General user


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