Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust eLearning Catalogue

HAZMAT and CBRN Training

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This training will enable you to recognise and react appropriately if a patient or member of the public presents at Reception and is contaminated with hazardous substance. When an incident occurs like this it can be defined as a HAZMAT or a CBRN incident. A HAZMAT incident is when a person becomes contaminated by accident, e.g. in a road traffic accident or a fire where hazardous materials may be stored. A CBRN incident is when the contamination is done on purpose, e.g. an act of terrorism, these are rare but do happen. HAZMAT means Hazardous Material CBRN stands for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear

Resource details

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Contributed by: Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust eLearning Catalogue
Authored by: Sam Grundy, RDaSH, Business Continuity and Emergency Preparedness, Resilience and Response (EPRR) Manager
Licence: © All rights reserved More information on licences
Last updated: 13 December 2022
First contributed: 07 February 2022
Audience access level: Full user


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