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NHSBT – Mandatory Training

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Career Conversations v1.1

918 NHSBT Radiation Training for X-Ray Irradiator Users v1.1 March 24

918 NHSBT Radiation Training for Gamma Irradiator Users v1.1 March 24

918 NHSBT Infection Prevention and Control - Patient and Donor Facing v1.0 March 2024

918 NHSBT Safe Use of Cryogenic Gases v1.0 March 24

918 NHSBT Fire Awareness v2.0 Nov 23

918 NHSBT Equality, Diversity and Inclusion v2.1 Oct 23

918 NHSBT Health Safety and Wellbeing - General Awareness v2.2 Jul 23

918 NHSBT Equality, Diversity and Inclusion v2.0 July 23

918 NHSBT Leading and Influencing - HSW v1.2 July 23

918 NHSBT Persons Designate Training (Internal) v4.1

918 NHSBT Patient and Donor Safety and Quality Awareness v3.1 Jul 23

918 NHSBT Manual Handling Awareness v2.1

918 NHSBT Leading and Influencing Health, Safety and Wellbeing - DO NOT USE

918 NHSBT Patient and Donor Safety and Quality - Level 2 v3.1 Jul 23

918 NHSBT Patient Safety and Quality - Blood Donation v3.1 Jul 23

918 NHSBT Patient Safety and Quality - Estates and Facilities v3.1 Jul 23

918 NHSBT Patient Safety and Quality - Manufacturing v3.1 Jul 23

918 NHSBT Patient Safety and Quality - Transport v3.1 Jul 23

918 NHSBT Display Screen Equipment v2.1

918 NHSBT (M) Patient and Donor Safety and Quality - Warehousing v3.1 Jul 23

918 NHSBT Recruitment and Selection - Candidate Offers and Checks v2.1

918 NHSBT Recruitment and Selection - Interview and Selection v2.1

918 NHSBT Recruitment and Selection - Equality and Diversity v2.1

918 NHSBT Recruitment and Selection - An Overview v2.2

918 NHSBT Equality, Diversity and Inclusion v2.0 May 23

918 NHSBT Health, Safety and Wellbeing - General Awareness v2.1 Sept 22

918 NHSBT Business Continuity v1.2 Sept 2022

918 NHSBT Health, Safety and Wellbeing - General Awareness - Testing (Not in Use)

918 NHSBT Display Screen Equipment User Awareness v2.0 Aug 22

918 Test URL 5

918 Test Course - 03/11

918 NHSBT Display Screen Equipment User - Awareness (5415)