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South East TEL Forum 31 January 2023 - ESR slides
Slides given on behalf of the Electronic Staff Record (ESR) team at the South East TEL Forum on 31 January 2023.
The Regional TEL Forums occur quarterly and are open to all colleagues from health and social care, including higher and further education, who are interested in TEL. The purpose of the forums is to provide the opportunity for TEL members to network, provide peer-to-peer support, and become the place where health and social care organisations can share updates on TEL work and projects.
If you are involved in Technology Enhanced Learning and Healthcare in the NHS or social care you can join the Forums and control what information you receiveby completing this form.
Resource details
Contributed by: | Regional TEL Networks |
Authored by: |
Licence: | Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International More information on licences |
First contributed: | 07 February 2023 |
Audience access level: | Full user |
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