Preventing Radicalisation. Signs and tattoos

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This rerource isdesigned to assist decision making if there is a concern regarding radicalisation . This list is not an exhaustive one but provides just some examples of symbols, and tattoos which may be used to promote the ideology of extremist groups in the UK

  • Some symbols represent illegal organisations for which possession/support of either in person or in online space may represent a criminal offence punishable by imprisonment
  • Others may have contain which has been appropriated by extremist organisations e.g Nordic/Pafgn iconography
  • Please note: care needs to be taken to ensure that identification of these symbols is always taken in context and with other concerning actions or behaviours.
  • It is a good idea to discuss for practitioners to discuss any concerns with their line manager or organisational safeguarding lead who can offer advice and guidance.

Please also note – note- these materials protectively marked at OFFICIAL and are for personal reference only and are not for publication on public facing websites.

Additional information

I have also created some information on extremist signs symbols, and tattoos which are designed to assist decision making if there is a concern regarding radicalisation- to complement the elfh Radicalisation Awareness eLearning resources

Resource details

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Contributed to: Community contributions
Community resources are online learning and digital materials provided by the wider Learning Hub community that anyone can contribute to.
Contributed by: Paul McCann
Authored by: Paul McCann, NHS England & NHS Improvement, Regional Serious Violence and Contextual Safeguarding lead
Authored on: 15 November 2021
Licence: Creative commons: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International More information on licences
First contributed: 31 January 2022
Audience access level: Full user


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