AHSN Network - Patient Safety

Safer care during COVID-19

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This rapid-learning report on the role of Patient Safety Collaboratives (PSCs) during the pandemic outlines some of the lessons learned as they responded to the COVID-19 outbreak in March. 

The report has been published as part of the NHS Reset campaign and gives examples of how PSCs refocused their work ‘almost overnight’ to respond to the pandemic. It illustrates some of the creative ways AHSNs supported their local systems and how this experience will be built into future patient safety programmes.

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14/10/2020 AHSN Network

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Provider's catalogue badge
Contributed by: AHSN Network - Patient Safety
Authored by: AHSN Network
Authored on: October 2020
Licence: © All rights reserved More information on licences
First contributed: 17 January 2021
Audience access level: Full user


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