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Health and Safety (MaST)
Welcome to this e-learning course on Health and Safety Awareness. This session should take approximately 20 - 30 minutes to work through.
This course is part of our mandatory and statutory training programme. As such, the course aims to give you an awareness of Health & Safety within the workplace and highlight the key things that you need to know. As this is a guide to Health & Safety, always ensure you are familiar with the procedures for your own workplace, particularly if you are working somewhere for the first time or regularly move from place to place.
As you work through this course, you will gain an understanding of:
- Responsibilities under Health and Safety Law
- Different types of safety signage
- Basic fire safety principles
- Basic moving and handling techniques
- Why incident reporting is so important
Resource details
Contributed by: | MaST Training (NHS England) |
Authored by: |
Licence: | Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International More information on licences |
Last updated: | 11 March 2025 |
First contributed: | 15 August 2022 |
Audience access level: | Full user |
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