ForMed Films - animated films for health education

My Mum's got a Dodgy Brain - animated film to help children of adults with ill mental health

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This film was commissioned by Devon Partnership NHS Trust to talk to children and adults about the realities of living with a parent with mental ill health. Through interview with Anya (age 9), Macauley (age 11) and Erin (age 12) the film shares their story and advice.

The resulting film is relatable and reassuring. It can be shown to children to help them feel less alone and see what support they may be able to receive. It can also be used for professional training in Adult Mental Health services, in school and to raise awareness with the public.

“The film was originally designed to help mental health staff who work with adults to keep in mind the children in their families. It will be used for staff training and to share with families to help other children feel less alone."(Dr Joanne Black, consultant psychiatrist DPT NHS)

Directed by BAFTA winner Emma Lazenby, produced by ForMed Films CIC in collaboration with Dr Joanne Black and Devon Partnership NHS Trust.

ForMed Films is a not-for-profit, making animated films in collaboration with patients, charities and health professionals to help people talk about and understand medical and health issues.

Additional information

In ‘My Mum’s got a Dodgy Brain’, a short animated film, three children living with a parent with mental ill health share their story and their ways to cope. This film was commissioned to talk to children and adults about the realities of living with

Resource details

Contributed by: ForMed Films - animated films for health education
Authored by: Emma Lazenby, ForMed Films, Director
Licence: Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International More information on licences
Last updated: 14 December 2022
First contributed: 20 September 2022
Audience access level: Full user


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