Endoscopy Academies Portal

BSG Guidelines: Management of iron deficiency anaemia in adults [Recommended]

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Iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) is a major cause of morbidity and burden of disease worldwide. It can generally be diagnosed by blood testing and remedied by iron replacement therapy (IRT) using the oral or intravenous route.

The many causes of iron deficiency include poor dietary intake and malabsorption of dietary iron, as well as a number of significant gastrointestinal (GI) pathologies. Because blood is iron-rich it can result from chronic blood loss, and this is a common mechanism underlying the development of IDA—for example, as a consequence of menstrual or GI blood loss.

Approximately a third of men and postmenopausal women presenting with IDA have an underlying pathological abnormality, most commonly in the GI tract. Therefore optimal management of IDA requires IRT in combination with appropriate investigation to establish the underlying cause.

Unexplained IDA in all at-risk individuals is an accepted indication for fast-track secondary care referral in the UK because GI malignancies can present in this way, often in the absence of specific symptoms.

Bidirectional GI endoscopy is the standard diagnostic approach to examination of the upper and lower GI tract, though radiological scanning is an alternative in some situations for assessing the large bowel. In recurrent or refractory IDA, wireless capsule endoscopy plays

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Recommended Resource > Clinical Endoscopist Curriculum: Common Presentations

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Contributed by: Endoscopy Academies Portal
Authored by: Jonathon Snook ,1 Neeraj Bhala ,2 Ian L P Beales ,3 David Cannings,1 Chris Kightley,4 Robert PH, BMJ
Authored on: 0 July 2021
Licence: © All rights reserved More information on licences
Last updated: 01 June 2023
First contributed: 31 January 2023
Audience access level: Full user


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