Medicines Optimisation Training Portal

Medicines Optimisation Training Brochure

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The training brochure lists and briefly describes the medicines optimisation training resources available to pharmacy and medicines staff available in this catalogue as well as training available from other sources.

We offer work-based learning with a blend of learning resources (e-Learning modules, skills development workbooks, training and assessment modules) which focus on communication, patient safety, team skills, leadership and the sharing of medicines knowledge and experiences to support patient centred care.

The training described in this brochure has been provided by Health Education England working with NHS pharmacy colleagues across the North East and Yorkshire (NEY) who have kindly shared their resources with us to develop the training workbooks and training and assessment modules, as well as the five eLearning modules. We also highlight other NHS-related sources and partners to provide a variety of information and training.

Personal development is encouraged whilst working in a safe and supportive environment in which to learn.

Additional information

The training and resources in this brochure are aimed at the pharmacy/medicines workforce, focusing on developing the skills necessary to improve medicines safety and to support patients to get the best use from their medicines.

Resource details

Contributed by: Medicines Optimisation Training Portal
Authored by: Anne Mallon, NHS England Workforce, Training and Education Directorate (WT&E)
Authored on: 25 October 2023
Licence: Creative commons: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International More information on licences
Last updated: 25 October 2023
First contributed: 15 February 2023
Audience access level: Full user


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