Humber Teaching NHS FT Digital Learning

338 Self-Administration of Medicine (SAM) Procedures

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Course Summary – Self-Administration of Medicine (SAM) Procedures are implemented across the Trust’s inpatient areas and staff require knowledge of how to use these Procedures safely to ensure risk to patients is minimised. Ward based staff are required to identify patients on the various levels and stages of SAM and be able to source and complete the SAM Assessment, Consent, Recording and Monitoring forms. This short recorded session aims to explain the Trust’s Self-Administration of Medicine (SAM) Procedures and to answer some frequently asked questions.


  • Explain the Trust’s SAM procedures​
  • Assess, recognise and manage risks of SAM use in practice​

  • Understand the levels and stages of SAM Procedures​

  • Safely use the self-administration of medicine (SAM)procedures​
  • Explain the document/forms for SAM and where these can be found

Audience and duration – This 35 minute recorded session is for ward based staff who work in areas where Self-Administration of Medicine (SAM) Procedures are or may be implemented.

Resource details

Contributed by: Humber Teaching NHS FT Digital Learning
Authored by: Diane Pickering, Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust
Licence: © All rights reserved More information on licences
Last updated: 08 July 2024
First contributed: 18 July 2023
Audience access level: Full user


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