NHSE Rheumatology Pan London and KSS Regional Training Day

Rheum SpR Teaching F2F and Online 11 October 2023

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11th OCTOBER 2023

Hosted by University College London Hospital


Registration and Welcome

Adolescent Rheumatology – what adult rheumatologists should know about CTDs with childhood onset - Prof Coziana Ciurtin

HLH – a rheumatologists perspective - Dr Jessica Manson

SLE- outcome, origins and outlook - Prof David Isenberg

Acute rheumatology – cases and management - Dr Alexis Jones

Hypermobility – assessment and management - Dr Hanna Kazkaz

Resource details

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Contributed by: NHSE Rheumatology Pan London and KSS Regional Training Day
Authored by: Naila Hassanali, NHS England, Speciality Officer
Licence: © All rights reserved More information on licences
First contributed: 12 October 2023
Audience access level: Full user


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