NHSE Genito-Urinary Medicine Pan London and KSS Regional Training Day

GUM - KCH Sexual Assult Full Day Virtual Training Day

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Morning's Agenda below

09:20 - 09:25 Registration

09:25 – 09:30Welcome and Introductions Dr Kate Flanagan/Dr Bernadette Butler

‘Ground rules’ Impact on the audience

09:30 – 09:45 Quiz: what do you know? Dr Bernadette Butler

09:45 -10:10 SARC Commissioning Dr Kate Shardlow

10:10 – 10:25 Statistics Dr Bernadette Butler

10:25 – 10:40 Tea/coffee

10:40 - 11:15 Police response Dr Bernadette Butler

11:15 -11:55 The Role of the Independent Sexual Violence Advocate Ms Siân Ruddick

11:55 – 12:35 The Law on sexual assault and other issues Dr Bernadette Butler

12:35 – 12:45 Questions at the end of the morning session All

Resource details

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Contributed by: NHSE Genito-Urinary Medicine Pan London and KSS Regional Training Day
Authored by: Naila Hassanali, NHS England, Speciality Officer
Licence: © All rights reserved More information on licences
First contributed: 25 October 2023
Audience access level: Full user


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