NHSE Genito-Urinary Medicine Pan London and KSS Regional Training Day

GUM/HIV Training Day 24 January 2024

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0915-1000 Complicated Syphilis Dr Fareed Shiva (Virtual) – HIV/GUM Consultant

1000-1015 Coffee Break – Gilead

1015-1100 HIV and ITU Dr Borja Mora Peris (F2F) – HIV/GUM Consultant

1100 – 1145 Capacity and Consent in the context of abnormal beliefs – case discussion Louise McGrath (F2F) - HIV Psychiatric Liaison Nurse

Resource details

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Contributed by: NHSE Genito-Urinary Medicine Pan London and KSS Regional Training Day
Authored by: Naila Hassanali, NHS England, Specialty Officer
Licence: © All rights reserved More information on licences
First contributed: 25 January 2024
Audience access level: Full user


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