Telephone training for high intensity therapists working in Talking Therapy services

Telephone training for high intensity therapists working in Talking Therapy services

Certificate available: complete this course to be awarded a certificate

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This training resource is aimed at high intensity practitioners delivering psychological therapy over the telephone. This stand-alone training resource is designed to complement and extend the existing knowledge, awareness, and skills that high intensity practitioners obtain via standardised training received from the NHS (or other organisations) for the delivery of telephone therapy. It aims to enhance delivery skills, not change the underlying principles associated with different therapy approaches. The resource has been developed by a group of clinicians experienced in the delivery and training of psychological interventions by telephone training, researchers with experience of applied mental health research, and patient and public involvement representatives.

Resource details

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Contributed by: Telephone training for high intensity therapists working in Talking Therapy services
Authored by: The University of Manchester
Licence: © All rights reserved More information on licences
First contributed: 11 June 2024
Audience access level: General user


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