WE-R NHS (Workforce and Education Research NHS)

The Art of Honest Conversation - e-learning

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Honest Conversations

Most would agree that regular, constructive and developmental feedback to colleagues is a healthy part of the culture of any business or organisation. Yet sometimes feedback needs to be more direct especially when challenging undesirable or simply unacceptable behaviours of colleagues. Although these conversations are at times needed, they are continuously at risk of getting postponed or deemed as just too difficult and therefore avoided altogether.

The consequences in healthcare settings of not addressing these are many, ranging from poor relationships or unhelpful team dynamics, to serious issues around quality of care or even issues of malpractice not being addressed.

Recognising that we have a professional responsibility to address unacceptable behaviours or behaviours that leave you questioning underlying attitudes, NHS England, Workforce, Training and Education directorate have invested in developing this session on holding ‘honest conversations’. Initially adapted for the medical training environment, its intention is to support colleagues in the preparation and delivery of more direct conversations that are designed to halt or correct unacceptable behaviours and yet to do so in line with the values of compassionate organisations. By holding such conversations, we hope that in enabling the personal change that is needed, team working can be optimised and support the delivery of the very highest quality of healthcare.

This resource is available to users of e-learning for healthcare.

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Published 2024.

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Provider's catalogue badge
Contributed by: WE-R NHS (Workforce and Education Research NHS)
Authored by: Dave Thornton
Licence: More information on licences
First contributed: 10 October 2024
Audience access level: General user


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