M-Care: Mixed Realities for Health and Social Care Education

M-Care: Apple Mac Desktop App

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This is an Apple Mac versionof the M-Care App containing twelve 2D games, three body-system fly-through videos and three VR work experiences. AR models are not available via the desktop version of the App. You can use the desktop version of the App on PCs and laptops, as an alternative to the tablet or iPad App. The Windows and Mac desktop versions of the App are .exe files.

M-Care has been designed and developed to complement the study of Science and Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) at Key Stages 1-4+ (UK), to help children understand choices for a healthier lifestyle, and to inspire and cultivate children and young people’s interest and engagement with further education and careers in health and social care.

Additional information

This zip file, when downloaded, contains an executable file (.exe) which you may not have permission to install on a laptop or desktop computer.

Resource details

Provider's catalogue badge
Contributed by: M-Care: Mixed Realities for Health and Social Care Education
Authored by: M-Care Consortium
Licence: © All rights reserved More information on licences
First contributed: 11 December 2024
Audience access level: General user


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