London WT&E: Multi-professional Supervision Resource

Multiprofessional Supervision Case Study

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The case studiesonCross-Profession Supervision and Multiple Supervisorsprovides practical guidance and case studies illustrating how supervision can effectively occur between professionals from different disciplines. It emphasises the importance of supervisors possessing appropriate skills, knowledge, and training, even when they belong to a different profession than the supervisee. This approach enables broader learning opportunities while maintaining professional standards and patient safety.

This resource benefits learners by demonstrating how to navigate diverse supervisory relationships, fostering collaboration, and broadening perspectives. It also offers templates and case studies to structure supervision sessions effectively, enhancing the learning experience for those working in multidisciplinary settings.

Resource details

Contributed by: London WT&E: Multi-professional Supervision Resource
Authored by: Health & Care Professions Council
Licence: More information on licences
First contributed: 14 January 2025
Audience access level: General user


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