MaST Training (NHS England)

Managing conflicts of interest: online training for ICBs – Module 2

Certificate available: complete this course to be awarded a certificate

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What will you learn?

Welcome to module 2 of Managing conflicts of interest: online training for ICBs.It is recommended that you complete module 1 before progressing to module 2. Module 1 covers the fundamentals of what conflicts of interest are and how you should manage them.

Module 2 is designed to guide and support you in managing conflicts of interest throughout the commissioning cycle.

This module is recommended for individuals that are in decision-making roles and those that are influential in decision-making.

You will find out:

How to manage conflicts of interest during the whole commissioning cycle including during:

  • service design.
  • procurement exercises including processes run under the Provider Selection Regime (PSR), and the Procurement Act 2023 (which replaces the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (PCR)).
  • contract monitoring.

How to manage conflicts of interest in relation to the appointment of staff and outside employment.

This module ends with a brief assessment, which you must pass to complete module 2 of the training.

We recommend that you consult NHS England's Managing conflicts of interest in the NHS and the conflicts of interest section in ‘Guidance on Integrated Care Board constitutions and governance’ for further information.

Resource details

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Contributed by: MaST Training (NHS England)
Authored by: Hamid Jamal, NHS England
Licence: © All rights reserved More information on licences
First contributed: 15 January 2025
Audience access level: General user


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