East Midlands Obs & Gynae – Regional Teaching Programme

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Basic Obstetric Ultrasound Course - Probe Masterclass

Basic Obstetric Ultrasound Course - Third Trimester: Presentation and position, biometry and doppler

Basic Obstetric Ultrasound Course - Ultrasound in early pregnancy 8-12 week scan

Basic Obstetric Ultrasound Course - Liquor and placenta

Basic Obstetric Ultrasound Course - Review and next steps

Basic Obstetric Ultrasound Course - Scanning twins

Basic Obstetric Ultrasound Course - Physics, safety and machines

6th Dec 2024 - Management of renal disease in pregnancy with emphasis on renal transplant

Fibroids and Surgical Management 15th November 24

Menopause in Complex Cases

An update on postnatal contraception 18th October

Menopause in Complex Cases 1st November 24

Optimising Obstetric Training Sep 13th 2024

SITM and Education Programme 6th Sep 2024

AGM Part 3

AGM part 2


Teaching Programme

Dopplers in Obstetrics

Consent and Challenging Conversations

Bleeding on HRT 24th May 2024

Bullying, undermining, race and culture 7th June 2024

Paed and adolescent gynaecology 21/6/2024

Bowel injury in O&G and bowel obstruction in pregnancy & postpartum - 14/6/24


Developing expertise in clinical decision making 19.4.24

Coroner's and Statements April 5th 2024

"Clinical decision making & teaching utilising the art of public speaking" - 12/4/24

Risk Management - Obstetrics March 15th

Complex Laparotomy and Pelvic Abscess 16/02/24

2WW Cancer Pathway 9/2/24

Respiratory Disease in Pregnancy 12/01/24

Pregnancy of Unknown location, Ectopic and AVM

Obstetrics cases substance misuse Part TWO

Obstetrics cases substance misuse Part ONE

Annual General Meeting Part 2

Annual General Meeting

Reflective Practice

Menopause Practical Prescribing

Each Baby Counts Tools

Genomics and Gynaeoncolgy

09/06/2023 - Management of ADHD and autism in pregnancy

02/06/2023 - Career planning and care of doctors

12/05/2023 - Fetal abnormalities and their management

05/05/2023 - Complex, 4th degree and buttonhole rectal perineal tears

21/04/2023 - Liver disorders in pregnancy

14/04/2023 - Care of women wishing to birth outside of guidance and managing patient expectation

24/03/2023 - Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology

10/03/2023 - Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

10/02/2023 - OASI and its follow up

20/01/2023 - Substance misuse in Pregnancy

06/01/2023 - The role of intensive care in obstetric cases

16/12/2022 - Colposcopy: its basics and scope

09/12/2022 - O&G regional training day - Investigating incidents

09/12/2022 - O&G regional training day - Civility

09/12/2022 - O&G regional training day - Second victim

09/12/2022 - O&G regional training day - Human factors

09/12/2022 - O&G regional training day - Introduction and the Ockenden report

18/11/2022 - Diagnostic and operative hysteroscopy

11/11/22 - Premenstrual Syndrome and its variants & Role of GnRH in Gynaecology

04/11/2022 - Type 1 and 2 Diabetes in pregnancy

21/10/2022 - Demystifying PCOS

14/10/2022 - Post operative surgical complications and surgical problems in pregnancy

07/10/2022 - Perinatal mental health

23/09/2022 - Laparoscopy: tips, tricks and techniques

09/09/2022 - Recurrent pregnancy loss

02/09/2022 - Quality improvement projects

26/08/2022 - Thyroid and parathyroid disorders in pregnancy

19/08/2022 - Rethinking pre-eclampsia

12/08/2022 - AGM

29/07/2022 - The management of breech presentation

22/07/2022 - LARC and update on Roe vs Wade

15/07/2022 - Update in maternal neurology

1/7/22 - The Gynaecology Clinic

24/06/2022 - Bleeding dyscrasias in pregnancy

17/06/2022 - Towards part 2: a quiz

10/06/2022 - NHS Structure: snoozefest or actually important?

Reflective practice - 20/05/2022

Gynaecological and obstetric dermatological problems - 13/05/2022

Professionalism, mentoring and coaching and dealing with colleagues in difficulty - 06/05/2022

Surgical Management of Fibroids and role of GNRH - 29/04/2022

Bullying, undermining, race and culture - 22/04/2022

Urogynaecology complex cases - 01/04/2022

Antenatal Viral Infections - 25/03/2022

Global maternal health - 11/03/2022

Incontinence and Urodynamics - 18/02/2022

Haemoglobinopathies in pregnancy - 11/02/2022

Obstetric patients in Intensive care - joint ITU and O&G teaching 28/01/2022

Premature Ovarian insufficiency and Amenorrhea - 21/01/2022

Research skills - 14/01/2022

Management of pelvic abscesses and complex surgery - 07/01/2022

Paediatric and adolescent gynaecology - 17/12/2021

Surgical management and perioperative care of the ovarian cancer patient- 10/12/2021

Rheumatological problems in pregnancy - 03/12/2021

Recent advances in endometriosis and pelvic pain - 19/11/2021

Complaints management - 12/11/2021

Impact of climate change and sustainability in womens healthcare - 05/11/2021

Alloimmune antibodies in pregnancy - 29/10/2021

PUL, ectopic pregnancy and arteriovenous malformations - 22/10/2021

Doppler use in pregnancy - 15/10/2021

Post-partum perineal problems - 08/10/2021

Clinical decision making in O&G - 01/10/2021

Menopause and HRT - 24/09/2021

Termination of pregnancy - 17/09/2021

Physician health in O&G - 10/09/2021