Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust (MY)
Provider's catalogue badgeTest

Monitored and Reported Training (MART)

377 Complex Needs

377 MY Medical Devices- Electric Profiling Bed- Enterprise 5000X

377 MY Medical Devices- Electric Profiling Bed- Contoura 1080

377 MY Medical Devices- Syringe Driver T34

377 MY Medical Devices- Thermometer Tympanic- Braun Pro6000

377 MY Medical Devices- Thermometer Axilla- Suretemp

377 MY Medical Devices- Suction Jar/Bag System (Green Lid Jar)

377 MY Medical Devices- Suction Unit- Diamond Range

377 MY Medical Devices- Pipeline Flowmeter Diamond Range

377 MY Medical Devices- Air Mattress- DualStar

377 MY Medical Devices- BP Pulse and Oxygen Sats Monitor

377 MY Medical Devices- Infusion Device- Arcomed Infusion Pump

377 MY Medical Devices- Infusion Device- Arcomed Syringe Pump

377 MY Medical Devices- Air Cushion- Dual

377 BBraun Pumps- Perfusor Space Plus (Syringe Driver Pump)

377 BBraun Pumps- Infusomat Space Plus (Volumetric Pump)

377 MY Neonatal Family Care Journey

377 MY QUIT- Very Brief Advice on Smoking

377 MY Care of the Dying Patient

377 MY Food Safety

377 MY Sepsis

377 MY Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Social Distancing

377 MY Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Donning and Doffing

377 MY Oxygen Safety

377 MY Nasogastric (NG) Feeding Tubes

377 MY Intrapartum Care