Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust (MY)
Provider's catalogue badge

Role Specific (RS)

377 Solite Pro- Demonstration Package

377 Bed Rails Risk Awareness

377 MY Think Families

NIHR- BaBi Part 2

MY Resuscitation- Adult Basic Life Support Theory


377 Clinical Human Factors Group- Module 2

377 Maybo- Safer Lone Working

377 Maybo- Safer De-Escalation: 3.Personal Safety and Post Incident

377 Maybo- Safer De-Escalation: 2.Preventing Escalation

377 Maybo- Safer De-Escalation: 1.Dynamic Risk Assessment and Decision Making

377 Maybo- Positive Approaches to Behaviour: 3.Positive Interactions and Choices

377 Maybo- Positive Approaches to Behaviour: 2.Understanding Human Behaviour

377 MY Resuscitation- Mindray Defibrillator Familiarisation

377 Maybo- Positive Approaches to Behaviour: 1.Risk Rights and Responsibilities

377 Clinical Human Factors Group – Module 1

377 MY Venous Thromboembolism Update (VTE)

377 MY Safeguarding Children Level 3

377 MY Safeguarding Children Level 2

377 MY Safeguarding Adults Level 3 Including Mental Capacity Act Level 3

377 MY Safeguarding Adults Level 2 Including Mental Capacity Act Level 2

377 MY Patient Safety Duty of Candour

377 MY Medicines Management Level 2 for Vaccinators/Immunisers

377 MY Medicines Management Level 2