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NMC OSCE Preparation
These eLearning resources have been developed to guide and support international nurses and midwives preparing for the NMC OSCE, part of the Test of Competence 2021. They are designed to develop learners’ knowledge and confidence in conjunction with simulation-based learning (SBL) programmes and skills rehearsal.
The modules introduce all 10 NMC OSCE stations and provide useful guidance for each one. They include video demonstrations for several of the skills stations and exemplars for the written stations. They also provide some helpful information on self-care and how to manage any anxiety on the day of your OSCE examination.
These modules are supplementary resources and should be used to complement the resources provided by NMC Test of Competence Centres. Introductory information related to the OSCE process and guidance for preparation should be accessed prior to undertaking these learning modules. The recommended reading below can be found on the Northumbria University OSCE preparation pages.
- Preparing for your OSCE
- NMC - The Code
- Reading List
- Royal Marsden Online
- OSCE Top Tips
- OSCE Station Timings
- Marking Criteria
- Mock OSCE
- Equipment List
- Documentation