NHS England North West RePAIR Hub

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RePAIR (Reducing Pre-Registration Attrition and Improving Retention) Information and Resources


This repository is a centralised place to access, showcase and share North West best practice examples which aim to reduce pre registration student attrition and promote a smooth transition from student to registrant.


RePAIR is a multi-professional, socio-political cultural change programme that seeks to embed sustainable change to reduce attrition for pre-registration students and optimise the number of newly qualified staff entering the NHS.


National NHSE RePAIR information and reports can be accessed here


The CapitalNurse programme, funded by NHSE, has produced several resources relevant to RePAIR developments which may be adapted and adopted.  Further information and access to the CapitalNurse programme resources can be found here


Throughout the North West there are numerous examples of best practice and innovation in relation to reducing student attrition.  If you would like to showcase an example of best practice here please email: NW Nursing england.nw.nursing@nhs.net