Enhancing generalist skills

Wellbeing resources

Wellbeing: Paramedic and Ambulance Staff

Wellbeing: Dental

Wellbeing: Self care and Resilience

Wellbeing: Financial Support

Wellbeing: Fatigue

Wellbeing: BMJ

Wellbeing: Mental Wellbeing Commission

Wellbeing: GMC Speaking Up

Wellbeing: BMA Your Wellbeing

Wellbeing: A Wellness Compendium

Wellbeing: Conversations

Wellbeing: Wellness Induction

Wellbeing: Well and Resilient Doctors

Wellbeing: This Doctor Can

Wellbeing: Bullying and Challenging Behaviours in the Workplace

Wellbeing: Royal College of Physicians

Wellbeing: Support and Resource from Royal College of Surgeons of England

Wellbeing: Mentoring Advice

Wellbeing: Soft Landing

SBK Healthcare: Free Resources

SBK: Improving Self-Care and Wellbeing: Webinar for NHS Professionals

elearning for healthcare: The All Our Health elearning sessions

TALK: A Tool for Structured Clinical Debriefing