TRFT EPR Systems eLearning
Provider's catalogue badge

MEDITECH Outpatients Doctors

Short Term Locum Doctors (3months or less)

  • This eLearning is for all short-term Locum Doctors to complete prior or at the start of their shift.  It can be run on any device in any location.
  • Complete all the eLearning modules for MEDITECH Outpatient Doctors and eConsent if you will be working in Outpatient Clinics. Also complete MEDITECH Inpatient Doctors if you will be working on the Wards.

All other Doctors, including rotation Doctors & Long Term Locums (more than 3 months) 

  • Outpatients on Meditech is no longer covered in a classroom setting and is to be completed via this eLearning including assessment.
  • Medical Workforce or your Service Managers/Rota Co-ordinators book you classroom training directly with us if you need further help and support.

GP Connect


Scheduler Desktop Overview

Outpatient Visit Summary

MEDITECH - Outpatient Radiology Requests

Did Not Attend

Prescribing on the day of the Appointment

Prescribing for a Future Booked Appointment

Order a Follow Up Appointment

AMB Order for Phlebotomy

Radiology AMB Order

Prescribing for Lloyds or FP10

Order a Procedure

Screening Referrals

Viewing Scanned Letters

Discharge Letter for Doctors Visiting ED

Send or Read Notices

Day Case Discharge Summary

ED Specialty Note

Doctors Outpatient Assessment