NHSE London Safeguarding VAWG, Domestic Violence/ Abuse & Harmful Practices

NHS England London Safeguarding Team VAWG Conference 2023- VAWG in the Context of Carers

On Thursday 23rd November 2023, the NHS England London Safeguarding team hosted the ‘ Violence against Women & Girls in the Carers’ Context’ conference.

The aim of the conference was to equip professionals at all levels with tips on how to improve their practice and strategies regarding VAWG in the carer’s context.

Speakers included:

  • Debbie Hustings provided an overview of the work that she had been involved in as the London Regional Safeguarding and Carers Lead
  • Amanda Warburton-Wynn share the findings from her research Carers and domestic abuse – the elephant in the room?
  • The Home Office and Department of Health and Social Care provided an overview of their Safe care at home review
  • Claudia Brown (ADASS London Carers Lead / ASC Operational Director- Brent) shared the journey that Brent has undertaken to identify and support carers within the borough
  • Dr Nick Merrifield (Kingston Primary Care Development Lead) shared a case study regarding how he has been supporting a North Korean patient who is a carer but has very little autonomy due to coercive and controlling behaviour from the person they care for
  • Mike Rich (Chief Executive Barnet Carers) provided an overview of the work that the organisation does to identify and support carers at risk of abuse
  • Natasha Mitra (Head of Helping Services @ Unseeuk.org) provided an overview of the services they provide and case studies highlighting the link between caring role and domestic servitude
  • Kyra Gonzalez (Community Response Officer (IDVA); Hourglass) provided an overview regarding the services they provide to the elderly who are at risk of or being abused
  • Michelle John (Founding Director of Parental Education Growth Support) raised awareness about child to parent abuse (CPA) and the work that their organisation does

NHS England London Safeguarding Team VAWG in the Carer's Context Conference 2023 Part 1

NHS England London Safeguarding Team VAWG in the Carer's Context Conference 2023 Part 2

NHS England London Safeguarding Team VAWG in the Carer's Context Conference 2023 Part 3

NHS England London Safeguarding Team VAWG in the Carer's Context Conference 2023 Part 4