MHASE - Mental Health Ambulance Service Education
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Anxiety and Panic Disorders

Panic Attacks (webpage)

Anxiety (webpage)

The Science of Anxiety Infographic (webpage)

How To Overcome Fear and Anxiety (webpage)

How We Respond to Stress and Anxiety (presentation)

Anxiety (presentation)

Perinatal Anxiety with Dr Jorge Palacios (podcast)

Diet and anxiety (webpage)

Sleep & anxiety (webpage)

Spontaneous panic (webpage)

Strategies for coping with panic (webpage)

What is a panic attack? (webpage)

How to help someone having a panic attack (PDF)

Ease morning anxiety (PDF)

End a panic attack (webpage)

Anxiety and phobias in young people (webpage)

Social anxiety (webpage)

Health anxiety (webpage)

General Anxiety Disorder (webpage)

Unreality and anxiety (webpage)

The fight, flight or freeze response (webpage)

Anxiety breathing animation (video)

How correct breathing reduces anxiety (webpage)

Anxiety Symptoms (webpage)

What is anxiety? (webpage)

Social Anxiety (webpage)

Separation anxiety (webpage)

Panic disorder (webpage)

Health anxiety (webage)

Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD)

Anticipatory anxiety (webpage)

An Overview of Maternal Anxiety During Pregnancy and the Post-Partum Period (article)

Anxiety, panic and phobias (webpage)

Anxiety and generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) (webpage)

Jordan Raskopoulos on High-Functioning Anxiety (video)

Social Anxiety Disorder (video)

What is anxiety? (Video)

Generalised Anxiety Disorder (video)

Panic Disorder (video)

Postpartum Anxiety (video)

Anxiety Disorders Part 1 (podcast)

Anxiety Disorders Part 2 (Podcast)

GAD-7 Score (webpage)

Attack of the Anxieties (podcast)

Anxiety (video)

Perinatal Anxiety Factsheet (PDF)

Anxiety Disorders (webpage)

Psychological treatments for depression and anxiety in dementia and mild cognitive impairment: Systematic review and meta-analysis (article)