MHASE - Mental Health Ambulance Service Education
Provider's catalogue badge

Eating Disorders

OSFED (Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder) (webpage)

Eating Disorders (webpage)

Bulimia Nervosa (webpage)

Anorexia Nervosa (webpage)

Alice's Story: Eating Disorders and CAMHS (video)

Eating Disorders: Recognition and Treatment- NICE Guidance (webpage)

Disordered Eating and Relationships with Food (podcast)

Body dysmorphic disorder (webpage)

Body Dysmorphic Disorder (webpage)

Eating disorders and pregnancy (webpage)

Eating disorders in pregnancy and motherhood (PDF)

Eating disorders in young people (webpage)

Anorexia and bulimia (webpage)

COVID 19 and eating disorders (webpage)

Eating disorder support app (app)

Anorexia: a boy in a girls world (video)

Muscle Dysmorphia (video)

An eating disorder isn't just a girl thinking she looks fat (video)

Anorexia: Katie's story (video)

Anorexia nervosa (video)

What is an eating disorder? (video)

Bulimia Nervosa (video)

Trauma as a cause of eating disorders

Anorexia Nervosa (video)

Eating Disorders with Clinical Psychologist Bianca Lebenholc (podcast)

Eating Disorders with Dr. Utpala from The Butterfly Foundation (podcast)

Eating disorders- The Abnormal Psychologist (podcast)

Eating disorders- Millennial Mental Health Channel (podcast)

Eating disorders (video)

Eating Disorders: Managing meals (podcast)

Eating Disorders: Bronagh's recovery; what she wants you to know (podcast)

Eating disorders and pregnancy (PDF)

Anorexia nervosa: 30-year outcome (article)

Season of birth and anorexia nervosa (article)

Eating disorders, DSM-5 and clinical reality (article)

Anorexia nervosa and the long-term risk of mortality in women (article)

Bulimia Nervosa (webpage)