MHASE - Mental Health Ambulance Service Education
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Perinatal Mental Health

Postnatal Depression (webpage)

Out of the Blues - a Course Designed to Support Women with Postnatal Depression- Shared Learning Database (webpage)

Using the Antenatal and Postnatal Mental Health Guideline to Improve Outcomes for Mothers- Shared Learning Database (webpage)

Improving Perinatal Mental Health Practice across Services Though Training, Pathways, Resources, Consultation, Champions and Passion – but Without Extra Money- Shared Learning Database (webpage)

Antenatal and Postnatal Mental Health- NICE Quality Standard (webpage)

Perinatal Mental Health (webpage)

Parental Mental Health - Institute of Health Visiting (webpage)

Perinatal Mental Health - Healthcare Professionals Discussion (audio)

Personal Account of Perinatal Mental Illness 2 (audio)

Personal Account of Perinatal Mental Illness (audio)

Perinatal Mental Health- MHASE Conference (Presentation with audio)

Birth Reflections Audit (presentation)

Understanding Birth Trauma (podcast)

Disordered Eating and Relationships with Food (podcast)

Mindfulness for Pregnancy during the Coronavirus Pandemic (podcast)

Mental Health in Pregnancy (podcast)

Navigating Parenting Emotions and Behaviours (podcast)

How to Mother With Mindfulness With Izzy Judd (podcast)

The Surprising Impact of Hormones On Pregnancy (podcast)

Mums Journey (PND and self care) (webpage)

A Personal Story Through Postnatal Depression with Dr Ivana Poku (podcast)

Normalising Emotional Well-being Practices in Pregnancy and Motherhood (podcast)

Perinatal Anxiety with Dr Jorge Palacios (podcast)

Perinatal Mental Health (presentation)

Perinatal mental health e-learning (website)

Make birth better (website)

Birth Injuries (PDF)

Birth Trauma Association (webpage)

Mental Health: During Pregnancy and After the Birth of Your Baby (webpage)

An interview with Billie Harrigan on birth trauma and trauma informed care (podcast)

Specialist mental health midwives (PDF)

Mental health of children and parents after very preterm birth (article)

Risk of psychological distress following severe obstetric complications in Benin: the role of economics, physical health and spousal abuse (article)

Maternal Mental Health Collection (webpage)

Maternal depression during pregnancy and offspring depression in adulthood: Role of child maltreatment (article)

Evaluation of ethnic disparities in detection of depression and anxiety in primary care during the maternal period: Combined analysis of routine and cohort data (article)

Obstetric near misses among women with serious mental illness: data linkage cohort study (article)

An Overview of Maternal Anxiety During Pregnancy and the Post-Partum Period (article)

Perinatal mental illness- the scale of the problem in the UK (PDF)

Severe perinatal mental illness leaflet (PDF)

Caring for someone with postnatal depression (PDF)

The Baby Blues and Postnatal Depression (PND) (PDF)

Post natal depression in men (leaflet)

Association for post natal illness (webpage)

Maternal Mental Health Alliance (website)

Maternal OCD (webpage)

PANDAS Foundation UK (webpage)

Bipolar disorder, pregnancy and childbirth (podcast)

Action on postpartum psychosis charity (webpage)

Early postpartum symptoms in puerperal psychosis (article)

Perinatal positivity (video)

Eating disorders and pregnancy (webpage)

Eating disorders during pregnancy and motherhood (PDF)

Perinatal anxiety factsheet (webpage)

Case Study: Perinatal Depression and Anxiety with Josie (podcast)

Perinatal Anxiety and Depression with Julie Borninkhof of PANDA (podcast)

Parenting through postpartum depression (video)

Postpartum psychosis: a mothers story (video)

Postpartum OCD and ERP (podcast)

Postpartum OCD (podcast)

Postpartum Psychosis: Detection of Risk and Management (article)

A review of postpartum psychosis (article)

Postpartum psychosis (video)

Understanding postpartum psychosis (video)

Perinatal mental health: Ellie’s story (video)

Perinatal mental health (video)

A postpartum mental health journey (video)

Postpartum anxiety (video)

Why maternal mental health matters (video)

Perinatal mental health a quick guide for health professionals (video)

Postpartum psychosis (webpage)

Postnatal depression - key facts (webpage)

Postnatal depression (webpage)

What are Perinatal Mental Health Services? (webpage)

Planning a pregnancy (webpage)

Perinatal OCD (webpage)

Mother and Baby Units (MBUs) (webpage)

Mental health in pregnancy (webpage)

Lithium in pregnancy and breastfeeding (webpage)

Antipsychotics in pregnancy and breastfeeding (webpage)

Valproate in women and girls who could get pregnant (webpage)

COVID-19: Mental health before, during and after pregnancy (webpage)