MHASE - Mental Health Ambulance Service Education
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Mental Health Medication Side Effects (presentation)

Medication for Mental Health Problems (webpage)

Mental Health Medications (presentation)

Sleeping pills and minor tranquillisers (PDF)

St John's Wort (PDF)

Antipsychotics (PDF)

Coming off psychiatric medication (PDF)

Antidepressants (PDF)

Psychiatric medication (PDF)

Psychiatric medication (webpage)

Stopping antidepressants (webpage)

Lithium in pregnancy and breastfeeding (webpage)

Depot medication (webpage)

Benzodiazepines (webpage)

Antipsychotics in pregnancy and breastfeeding (webpage)

Antipsychotics (webpage)

Valproate in women and girls who could get pregnant (webpage)

Antidepressants (webpage)

Complementary and alternative medicines (webpage)

Complementary and alternative medicines: herbal remedies (webpage)

What You Need to Know About Antidepressants with Dr. Kyle Smith (podcast)

Assessing the ‘true’ effect of active antidepressant therapy v. placebo in major depressive disorder: use of a mixture model (article)

Medications (webpage)

A-Z of psychiatric medication (PDF)

Psychedelics (podcast)

The history and use of antipsychotics (podcast)

How Psychiatric Medications work with Dr. Cummings (podcast)

Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (video)

Pharmacology- antipsychotics (video)

Pharmacology- benzodiazepines, barbiturates, hypnotics (video)

Antidepressant pharmacology - SSRIs, SNRIs, TCAs, MAOIs, Lithium (video)