MHASE - Mental Health Ambulance Service Education
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Suicide and Self Harm

Zero Suicide Alliance - Suicide Awareness Training

Safety Plan (PDF)

Suidical Thoughts (webpage)

Self-Harm (webpage)

Why People Self-Harm (webpage)

The Truth About Self-Harm (PDF)

Self-Harm (presentation)

How to Explain Suicide to Children and Young People (webpage)

A Toolkit for Supporting Children, Young People and Families Affected or Bereaved by Suicide (PDF)

Meaningful Conversation - Responding to suicide and its impact (video)

From Grief To Hope (PDF)

Self-harm (webpage)

Staying safe from suicidal thoughts (video)

National Suicide Prevention Alliance resources (webpage)

Support after suicide partnership (webpage)

Self harm in young people (webpage)

Self harm (webpage)

Bereavement- including bereavement after suicide (webpage)

Understanding Suicidal Distress and Promoting Survival in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Communities (PDF)

Suicide prevention pocket resource (PDF)

Suicide Risk Assessment OSCE Guide (webpage)

The critical distinction between suicidal ideation and suicide attempts (article)

Loneliness and abuse as risk factors for suicide in older adults: new developments and the contribution of the WPA Section on Old Age Psychiatry (article)

Suicide by people in a community justice pathway: Population-based nested case–control study (article)

Safety Planning Guidance (PDF)

distrACT app (app)

Stay Alive App (app)

Understanding Non-Suicidal Self Injury (video)

Risk Factors for Suicide (video)

Suicide and prevention (podcast)

Suicide (podcast)

Self-Injury, Self-Harm, and Self-Mutilation (podcast)

Assessment and Management of Suicide Risk in Children and Adolescents (article)

Suicide Resources (webpage)

Suicide and life threatening behaviour journal (journal)

Suicidal behaviour amongst LGBTQ youth (PDF)

National Suicide Statistics- US (webpage)

Evaluation of suicidal patients: The SAD PERSONS scale (article)

Means restriction for suicide prevention (article)

Suicide Prevention Strategies: A Systematic Review (article)

Suicide Epidemiology, Risk Factors, and Treatments (podcast)

Suicidal behaviour: an epidemiological and genetic study (article)

Genetic Influences on Suicide and Nonfatal Suicidal Behavior: Twin Study Findings (article)

A Twin Study of Suicide (article)

Familial Pathways to Early-Onset Suicide Attempt (article)

A twin study of genetic and environmental influences on suicidality in men (article)

Familial clustering of suicide risk (article)

Family genetic studies, suicide, and suicidal behavior (article)

Risk for Suicidal Behavior in Offspring of Mood-Disordered Suicide Attempters (article)

Genetics and Environmental Factors in Suicide (podcast)