MHASE - Mental Health Ambulance Service Education
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Mental Capacity Act

Mental Capacity (webpage)

MHA/MCA Interface Case Study (document)

Using NICE Guidance to Inform an Audit of Mental Capacity Act Assessment- Shared Learning Database (webpage)

Decision Making and Mental Capacity- NICE Quality Standard (webpage)

Decision-Making and Mental Capacity- NICE Guideline (webpage)

Assessing Mental Capacity (presentation)

MCA Flowchart (PDF)

MCA and DoLS (presentation)

Mental Health Workshop Covering MHA and MCA (presentation)

Mental Capacity Act resources (webpage)

Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS) (webpage)

Mental capacity and the law (webpage)

The mental capacity act and 16/17 year olds

Capacity Guide (webpage)

Capacity (webpage)

The Mental Capacity Act (2005) (podcast)

Using the mental capacity act in the community (video)

Using the mental capacity act (video)

The mental capacity act: an animated guide (video)

Mental Capacity Law and Policy (webpage)

39 Essex Chambers Mental Capacity Law Newsletter (webpage)