MHASE - Mental Health Ambulance Service Education
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Older People's Mental Health

Mental Health in Later Life (webpage)

How to Look After Mental Health in Later Life (webpage)

Improving the Mental and Social Wellbeing of the Elderly in Residential Care – a Case Study from Mellifont Abbey Residential Care Home (webpage)

Mental Wellbeing of Older People in Care Homes- NICE Quality Standard (webpage)

Mental Wellbeing and Independence for Older People- NICE Quality Standard (webpage)

Loneliness and Abuse as Risk Factors for Suicide in Older Adults: New Developments and the Contribution of the WPA Section on Old Age Psychiatry (article)

Older People's Mental Health (webpage)

Depression in Older People (video)

The Elderly Psychotic Patient (podcast)

Mental Wellbeing in Over 65s: Occupational Therapy and Physical Activity Interventions- NICE Guidance (webpage)

A Practice Primer on Mental Health in Older People (PDF)

Older People: Independence and Mental Wellbeing- NICE Guidance (webpage)