Webinar: Not the Last Resort: The Impact of an Interprofessional Training Care Home Scheme on Residents, Health and Social Care

Managing practice learning capacity - Recording

Work Experience at HEE - growing our own - Recording

Work Experience at HEE - growing our own - Presentation

Managing practice learning capacity - Presentation

Practice Development Facilitator (PDF) - report

The role of the Practice Development Facilitator - presentation

The role of the Practice Development Facilitator - recording

Leadership Placements - presentation

Leadership Placements - recording

In-direct supervision and assessments – PIVO settings - presentation

In-direct supervision and assessments – PIVO settings - recording

Innovative Placement Expansion - presentation

Innovative Placement Expansion - recording

Innovative Placement Expansion - Example welcome pack P1

Innovative Placement Expansion - Induction checklist

Innovative Placement Expansion - Learning Experience Charter

Innovative Placement Expansion - P2 Remote Working Pack

Innovative Placement Expansion - P3 remote working pack