NHS England Safe Learning Environment Charter

Raising concerns

An open environment where speaking up and listening are encouraged, improves safety and patient experience. It also contributes toward learner engagement and enhanced wellbeing. Learners often have unique insights into work and learning environments and can offer valuable, new perspectives on workplace culture, both in terms of patient safety and interpersonal/inter-professional behaviours. 

When learners feel that their feedback matters and is acted on, they become more comitted to improving the clinical environment. An organisation that actively promotes the duty of candour and supports its people when concerns are raised, is more likely to retain its staff and enable them to provide a good quality of care. 

Addressing unprofessional behaviours between healthcare staff

Why Freedom to Speak Up Matters- National Guardian’s Office video

Freedom to Speak Up Guardians- an overview

The guide for the NHS on freedom to speak up

Raising Concerns - Health Education England

Safety culture: learning from best practice

Sexual safety in healthcare organisational charter

Sexual Safety Charter