NHS England Safe Learning Environment Charter

Patient Safety

Patient safety is the avoidance of unintended or unexpected harm to people during the provision of health care. NHS England supports providers to minimise patient safety incidents and drive improvements in safety and quality. Patients should be treated in a safe environment and protected from avoidable harm.

Patient Safety Syllabus

Improving safety through education and training - HEE

Safety culture: learning from best practice - NHS England

Safety culture: learning from best practice (Full document) NHS England

The NHS Patient Safety Strategy

The National Patient Safety Committee

National patient safety strategic research needs 2022/2023

National Patient Safety Alerts

NHS Patient Safety Syllabus

NHS Patient Safety Syllabus- e-learning

Framework for involving patients in patient safety

Patient Safety Specialists

Learn from patient safety events (LFPSE)

Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF)