WE-R NHS (Workforce and Education Research NHS)
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Workforce Evaluations

Scoping AHP Educational Resource and Leadership Across London NHS Trusts

End of Life Care and Advance Care Planning for People with Dementia: A Pilot Simulation Course for Healthcare Professionals

Developing Simulated Patients for Online Simulation: Reflections on Actor Management and Scenario Adaptation

Facilitator reflections on online delivery of simulation-based mental health education during COVID-19

Simulation training for police and ambulance services to improve mental health practice

Evaluating the impact of simulation-based mental health training on self-efficacy: a retrospective data analysis

An evaluation of the CAPS refugee doctor scheme in London – a survey of outcomes

Can dental nurse training provide exposure to both practice and hospital settings?

The evaluation of an innovative dental nurse training pilot scheme

Early years postgraduate learning and training in prosthodontic dentistry: 2019 and beyond